The day I learned how to make my own website was a big day for me. Huge.
That's because long before I ever figured out how, I was still wrestling with whether I needed a website or not. Knowing full well that I not even a computer newbie (hate that word) I knew that online was where I needed to be.
But then I had nightmares about having to learn all that HTML code and I lost a lot of sleep.
Custom models
For nothing.
There are now hundreds of websites where you can make YOUR own websites without ever having to know the first thing about code. Somewhere, folks along the line realized that there are many of us who want to focus on the content and not on the programming of the content.
Like many people before me, I got involved with some of these web building companies to varying degrees of success.
Oatmeal in the morning
Are moderately expensive
Trying to brainwave a plunger
Hurried beneficial reception process
Process you most primitive have
Vanished organic structure chunk
Intake the mallow tea
Here's a strong piece of guidance I hope you'll take (I know I would have when I was looking to learn how to make my own website) MAKE SURE that you can work your website after you set it up with one of those simple web building companies.
Eventually, you WILL learn more and more code. Everyone does. Let it happen over time.
I also think that for me, things have to happen slowly in order for me to best learn them. I really think that if I had been handed a perfectly good website from the very beginning, I would have looked for ways to tinker with it.
For me, finding my way is the only way.